People As Advertising…It’s Risky Business


People as advertising is a risky business because of hazy disclosure rules and expectations, and that’s the subject of my next MediaPost column:

People As Advertising: Risky Business

by Max Kalehoff, December 8, 2006

By now, everyone’s heard of PayPerPost, the service that connects advertisers with bloggers willing to post product reviews in exchange for dollars.

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Lack of Talent Could Slow Online-Ad Spending

Will a lack of talent slow online-ad spending? Perhaps, says Yahoo’s sales chief in Monday’s Wall Street Journal (registration required):

The lack of digital talent could slow the growth of online-ad spending, Yahoo’s chief sales officer Wenda Harris Millard warned in a recent interview.

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NYC Ad Firms Agree to Hire More Black Managers

I recently wrote about Advertising Week’s Main, Anticipated Attraction: The Minority Hearings. Well, those hearings have been underway and the New York Times reports:

Finding that just 2 percent of the upper echelon of the advertising industry is black, New York City officials said yesterday that they had reached agreements with several of the nation’s biggest ad firms forcing them to bring more black managers into this crucial sector of the city’s economy.

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