I’m falling for it. Following its infamous Dove Evolution cause-inspired real-beauty online video, Unilever has followed it up with Dove Onslaught. It’s pretty compelling and likely to generate a lot of talk and consumer-driven syndication. It does a great job of visualizing the military-strength onslaught of commercial messages and media impressions on our psyches — what the marketing world often calls targeting, reach and frequency, resulting in brand preference, penetration, share and sales. Of course, the collateral damage underscored here is the harm to young girls’ self esteem. My colleague Pete Blackshaw has some good analysis about the initial Dove Evolution here, and you can track and trend the blog discussion of both on BlogPulse here. Interestingly, Evolution appears to be resurrecting as a result of Onslaught — says something about the power of series. Here’s the video: