My Adventures In MySpace…Chapter 2…My Wife’s MySpace

(A MySpace Advertisement)

In continuation of my MySpace ethnographic adventures, this morning I logged in to my home PC — which I don’t do very often — and was shocked when the MySpace homepage fully loaded: my wife’s email address and password were auto-filling the respective forms. Wow! My wife is a member of MySpace. The reach of this network is not only wide, but deep. I don’t have kids, and it still hits close to home.

Anyway, I cleared the sign-in and password field and logged in as myself. I responded to some "be-my-friend" requests and then was presented with the advertisement above — which is in the same series as the ad I posted earlier this week. After wiping my drool, I logged out and left for work. 

Stay tuned for more MySpace chronicles. 

Published by Max Kalehoff

Father, sailor and marketing executive.

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