Search: A Strategic Market Research Tool

The connection between consumer-generated media and search marketing is a topic of intense interest and debate among many of my colleagues. "CGM and search" was even its own panel topic earlier this week at the Search Engines Strategies conference in New York (which my colleague Pete Blackshaw participated in).Read the rest

It’s Official…“Nielsen BuzzMetrics”

Following the recent announcement that Nielsen/VNU was funding the merger of BuzzMetrics (my original company) and Intelliseek (our former top competitor), I’m happy to announce that the deal has finally closed! We are officially one company now…“Nielsen BuzzMetrics, the global measurement standard in consumer-generated media.” Read the rest

Life Flashed Before My Eyes This Morning

I was on Delta flight 1491 from New York’s La Guardia Airport to Cincinnati at 6:45 A.M this morning. About two minutes after takeoff, the cabin began to fill with smoke…the captain told us over the intercom that they in fact realized the cabin was filling with smoke and that they were circling back to La Guardia for an immediate landing, and asked us to prepare.Read the rest

Harold Burson Blogs

Harold Burson, the living PR legend, just started a blog. He is — perhaps more than any other individual — someone all PR professionals and business leaders should strive to emulate.

I first met Harold after I was accepted into his "Harold Burson Summer Internship," while an undergraduate at Syracuse University’s Newhouse School over a decade ago.… Read the rest