Google’s Latest Search Story Makes You Realize How Much Crap You Have To Buy When Having A Baby

TechCrunch underscored how Google’s latest search-story television commercial “makes having a baby seem really depressing” — thanks to all the obvious and hidden costs. True, having a baby is a life-changing event, and  it for forces you to buy all kinds of crap and choose all kinds of very expensive services, like hospital and prenatal care. After watching this commercial, though, I thought it was kind of clever because it resonates not only with mainstream consumers, but with all the hungry manufacturers, retailers and service providers that cater to soon-to-be parents and their families and social circles.

The message is clear: If you’re seeking to buy or sell products and services related to pregnancy and babies, you must go to Google.

Published by Max Kalehoff

Father, sailor and marketing executive.

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