Edd Kalehoff Makes Love To The Moog Synthesizer

You should check out the recent documentary about the late Bob Moog, humble visionary and inventor of the synthesizer. This was a milestone invention, which had a massive influence on music over the past 40 years. Edd Kalehoff – my father and one of the most prolific television music composers of the last 30+ years – was friends with Moog and one of his earliest beta customers.Read the rest

Google Faces Competition From Unknown

Google recenly filed it’s 2005 annual report (Form 10-K). I was particularly drawn to the section on Competition, even though it was short. The first part is a no-brainer:

We face formidable competition in every aspect of our business, and particularly from other companies that seek to connect people with information on the web and provide them with relevant advertising.

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Rishad Tobaccowala Talks Transparency

I participated today in a small gathering of media-and-technology executives for a briefing with Rishad Tobaccowala of Publicis Group’s recently formed Denuo. Rishad is an impressive visionary, and I look forward to seeing how his new marketing-agency consulting model works out.Read the rest

Listening to the Internet For Really Big Trends

I participated in an Economist story published this week called "Listening to the Internet," penned by Ben King. Compared to another recent Economist story on blogs and corporate reputation, this week’s story focuses on the value of unaided online discussion for consumer insights:

For example, ConAgra, an American food giant known for its Butterball turkeys and Healthy Choice ready meals, tracks discussion groups to keep abreast of new diet trends, such as Atkins and organic food.

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