Five Things You Don’t Know About Me

I got sucked into this chain blog via Scott Karp, and I’m following the heard. Boy, this meme sure indicates how much ego searching is going on! Here are five things you didn’t know about me: 

  1. I grew up on a classic wooden sailboat from birth until I was ten years old, and I received my “Master License” license by the U.S. Coast Guard when I was 19 years old (letting me work as a professional charter captain for some time).
  2. I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease when I was 11.
  3. If I were to be reincarnated, I’d want to come back as a dolphin.
  4. My wife and I share the same birthday.
  5. The best day of my life was this past November 21, when my son Julian was born.

Now, to coerce five other people into participating: Matt Hurst; Pete Blackshaw; Nigel Hollis; Peter Kim; and Sam Decker

Finally, here’s a BlogPulse two-month trend chart showing the percent of blogs that mention "Five Things You Don’t Know About Me" OR "Five Things You Didn’t Know About Me". For a daily updated chart, click here.


Published by Max Kalehoff

Father, sailor and marketing executive.

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