While I Was Out, YouTube Grew Up


While I was out becoming a dad, Bob Garfield’s next great piece in his provocative media-disruption series came out, running both in AdAge and Wired. It’s all about video, television and online disruption. I think the Wired subhead offers the most important and simplistic insight about the state of online video at this juncture:

TV advertising is broken, putting $67 billion up for grabs. Which explains why google spent a billion and change on an online video startup.

Of course, there are a million important components behind the online video revolution, which Garfield tackles in his sarcastic, entertaining and blunt style: 

  • The desire to create and share
  • The Google factor
  • TV exploding as we know it
  • History of YouTube, the raging online video machine
  • Consumer appeal of YouTube-like functionality
  • The TV-industry victims
  • Prospects for viability
  • The unknowns
  • The copyright issues (WARNING: I was quoted regarding rights of content creators.)
  • Potential big-company litigants

Definitely check it out. The AdAge version is better because the story is all on one scrollable page, versus Wired’s (addiction to those darn page views) four.


Published by Max Kalehoff

Father, sailor and marketing executive.

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