Are We Having a Conversation Yet? An Art Form Evolves

…is the headline of a recent NYTimes review by Edward Rothstein about Stephen Miller’s new book, "Conversation: A History of a Declining Art." From the review, it seems to be a very interesting book, and I think I’ll check it out from the library.Read the rest

Joe Jaffe, Jackie Huba, Pete Blackshaw Debate Consumer-Generated Media (CGM)

I encourage you to download and listen to the latest episode of Across The Sound, the “new marketing podcast,” by Joseph Jaffe, new media pundit. The latest episode – part 1 of 2 – features my esteemed colleague Pete Blackshaw and our friend Jackie Huba, co-author of Creating Customer Evangelists and the blog www.churchofthecustomer.comRead the rest

Advertising Research Foundation Unveils ‘Engagement’

The Advertising Research Federation just (warning: clunky PDF) released its definition of engagement:

“The Definition of Engagement is turning on a prospect to a brand idea enhanced by the surrounding context.”

More background from the news release:

As the advertising industry grapples with the profound changes in media, marketing and the emerging empowerment of consumers, the concept of engagement has emerged as ‘more of a demand creation’ paradigm than the ‘reach or awareness focused’ paradigm of the past twenty five years.

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