Getting Fit And Feeling Better

I used to keep in shape — until my son Julian was born three years ago. I quickly found it impossible to schedule serious exercise into my life while raising an infant, being a husband and working as a marketing executive at a tech start-up. For three years, I’ve averaged six hours of sleep per night (or less), the bare minimum, and a recipe for weight gain and heart problems.… Read the rest

My Most Vivid Memories of Ted Kennedy


U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy passed away. The event sparked vivid memories of my teenage years. Immediately after graduating from high school I spent several months living on the beach at Gannon & Benjamin shipyard in Vineyard Haven, a town on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.… Read the rest

Global Air Traffic In 24 Hours – Super-Cool Video

This animation of global large-plane air traffic over 24 hours is super cool. From outer space, air traffic looks a bit like maggots attacking a rotting animal. Like armies of little critters marching in and out of decaying crevices. (via Joel Rubinson)

(If you’re reading this post via email, I highly encourage you to click through to the Web site to watch the video.)… Read the rest